(The trip this time was full of adventures. There are many first times, although it's tough, but that was fun!)
(Firstly, I dropped my wallet in the plane. First time.. I sent an email to ANA. My Japanese friend had also helped to make a call to ANA. Heard that the wallet was found. I'm so glad about that! However, we we are not far away from Tokyo city, had conveyed to ANA that I will get from Haneda Airport once we are in the city.)
(Lending car from Urayasu, marks the start of the adventure~ The weather in Tokyo was really good!)
(First stop, Karuizawa! It seems to be a famous Soba shop! It's really yummy! And, it's duck meat! Duck meat is rare in Japan!)
したのチーズケーキの店でカーキとプディングを買った! プディングは美味しそうだから、そこで食べた!
(We bought cheese tarts and pudding from the cheesecake shop below! As the pudding looked really yummy, we ate there!)
(So big and fresh!!! The ingredients in Singapore are always imported in, therefore, seeing all these is quite shocking!!)
(Sorry for the bad photos. I have mobile phone instead of camera. The outlet store in Karuizawa was awesome! Be sure to visit it!)
特殊なメロンパン!抹茶アイス付き!(Special melon bun with Matcha ice-cream!)
美味しい!!!! (Delicious!!)
(Isn't it gorgeous, the scenery!! I'm like in a different world!!)
日本の空はなんてきれいだ!!! (Japan's sky is so beautiful!!!)
松本の旅館へ行く! (Going to Matsumoto Ryokan where we stayed~)
夜の空もきれい!! (The night sky is also beautiful!)
松本は車の会社が多いね? (Matsumoto has many car companies?)
おなかがすいたね! (Hungry!!!!)
開きばかりのAEONモール~ (Aeon Mall that was opened recently!)
牛肉は最高!!!(Beef is the best!!!)
(It's my first time going to Aeon Mall! It's a good mall! There are many things you can buy, and therefore convenient!!)
ももまで買ったの!(I even bought peach!!)
旅館でデザートを味わいます~~ (Savouring the desserts at the ryokan~)
(I'm so full~~~ But I'm so satisfied too!!)
(We stayed in this Ryokan! I think it's a good place! Its name is "Matsukaze"~
次、松本城~ (Next, Matsumoto Castle~)
(We stopped out car at the carpark opposite of Matsumoto Castle where there's a small shrine. The carpark was managed by a kind elderly couple.)
(After crossing the pedestrian crossing, you will see Matsumoto Castle!)
(Such a nice bridge, isn't it? There are many ducks~)
鯉だ!! (Koi!!!)
今日もいい天気!ある係員は松本城を掃除している!危ないよね!(Nice weather! There's a staff cleaning the Matsumoto Castle! How dangerous! >_<)
(There's a museum! Though we didn't go in.)
(The reflection on Matsumoto in the lake was gorgeous!)
(Same as yesterday, we went to eat at AEON mall again. Beef is the best! Takoyaki at Gindaco in Japan is awesome too!)
乗鞍岳へ~ (To Norikura-dake~)
デザートの店!!!(Dessert shop!!)
おいしそうね!!全部食べたいな~~~ (Aren't there delicious! I wanna eat everything~~)
(Going to Sanbondaki waterfall~)
(As there are 3 waterfalls, therefore, it's named Sanbondaki!)
(The puff bought from the dessert shop earlier on! Nice!)
(This is the place where we stayed at Norikura-dake. "Onsen Inn 36SO".)
(The landlord is really nice! He even fetched our hungry stomachs to his cousin's restaurant nearby here.)
(The cream roll and apple pie bought from the dessert store earlier on~)
(I think the apple pie is the most delicious!)
(We watched the stars that night! The picture was taken by my husband. Aren't they beautiful?)
次の日、乗鞍山の山登り~ (Next day, climbing Mt Norikura~)
その前に、朝ご飯!トマトはとても新鮮!!!そんな大きなグレープフルーツは初めて見た。(Before that, breakfast!! The tomatoes are so fresh! This is the first time seeing such a big grapefruit!)
乗鞍山へ行こう!(Let's go Mt Norikura!!)
(Buying bus tickets and taking the bus up the mountain!)

山登りを始めます!(Start to climb mountain!)

(Bell to keep bears away~ Are there really bears here?)

休憩!めし!!(Rest! Food!)
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ビーフカレーライス (Beef Curry Rice) |
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おでん (Oden) |

ご主人の時計に高度を表す。(The altitude displayed on my husband's watch.)

雲のレベル~~美しい!The level same as the clouds~ Gorgeous!)

(Finally descending the mountain... I'm so tired...)
(The below are made by my husband.)
(Didn't manage to get on the returning bus... We took another bus to Hirayu Osen instead~)

(I fell asleep as I was so tired. Below pictures are taken by my husband.)

(Although it's my first time climbing, it was a good experience.)
(The sad thing is, as we are unable to make it with the bus back to the carpark where our car is, we took a bus towards to Hirayu Onsen and a taxi from Hirayu to Kamikochi hotel. Because the entrance for Kamikochi closed at 7pm, we had no time to return to our car. We had not change of clothes, it's really very regrettable... T_T)
上高地のホテルはなんて高級なの!(The hotel at Kamikochi is so grand!)
(There's even this cute weather forecast at the reception!)
(The first time eating real Japanese cuisine! Delicious!)
(So clear and pretty river!! The air is so refreshing as well!!)
サルがいるようだ!(It seems that there are monkeys here!)
これを買った!リンゴ味って、面白い味でした!(Bought this! It's apple-flavoured, interesting flavour!)
(Wondering if this is the entrance that we passed through. The gate that closed at 7pm. It was very dark at night, the road with not even one lamp post. The taxi driver is so amazing!)
魚はとても塩辛くて、私の口に合わないと思う。(The fish is so salty that I think it didn't fit well with my taste.)
おでんは美味しい!(Oden was yummy!)
(Walking back to hotel and returning to our car via taxi~)
平湯の旅館に行こう~ (To Hirayu's Japanese-styled lodging~)
(Reached! Such a cozy lodging place! The staff are also very nice!)
古い古いマッサージチェア!!!(An old old massage chair!!)
すごい旅館だね! (This lodge is awesome, isn't it!)
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Map of Hida |
(Since after onsen, dinner-time!!!)
この魚、塩辛い!!!! (This fish is so salty!!!!)
ごちそうさま! (Thanks for the meal!!)
朝だ! (It's morning!!)
ご主人が作った写真!(Picture made by my husband!)
お世話になりました! (Thank you for taking care of us!!)
高山へ行こう~ (To Takayama~)
きれいな町!(Such a nice town!)
(This mascot is so interesting!!)
かわいい招き猫!(Fortune cat is so cute!!)
有名な飛騨ビーフ! (Famous Hida Beef!!)
(There are so many beautiful flowers!!)
本当に城下町だ! (It's really a castle town!!)
(This beef stick is awesome! Please try them!)
(People who like gardening, this shop is a must-go!)
(The cat is so cute... Wanna buy!!)
(As it's a busy day time to go Shirakawa-Go~~)
ああ。。さっきいい天気なのに。。(Arh... Even thouigh it's such a nice weather earlier on...)
トイレは面白い! (Interesting toilet!)
川はきれい! (Beautiful river!)
花~~ (Flowers~~)
本当に田舎の感じがする! (Really has the feeling of country side!)
鳥脅しのコンクール? (Scarecrow contest?)
(Although it's rather disrespectful, as it is intriguing, I ended up taking it.)
きれい!!! (Beautiful!!!)
わあ~~~~ (Wow~!!!!)
なんて美しい花! (Such gorgeous flowers!)
郡上八幡の旅館へ行く~ (To an inn in Gujo Hachiman!)
(Unfortunately, we encountered an accident near the reserved inn. Gujo Hachiman is really a dangerous place. Please be careful for people who are coming here. There's many small intersections, not many light sources, and there are no concave mirrors for safety. Although we drove the car slowly, the car coming from the left suddenly appeared and we collided to the side of that car. We dented that car. Our bumper has also been slightly damaged. That driver's car quickly called the police. The police officer does not seem to understand English. The police officer could not even read the date on the international driving license. The police officer's sentence was so long and full of "Keigo-formal language", I picked up the important points to my best knowledge, and finally settled with my friend who is our driver at the police post. While we were at the police post, the rest of my friends were doing the necessities at the inn. It's really terrible on such a day.)
(But, the nice police officer fetched us to the inn. Really glad about it.)
(Finally get to eat dinner. Yoshinoya at Gujo Hachiman!)
(As what I thought, the beef in Japan is the best!)
(Next day, we walk around the streets. Will be returning to Tokyo around 3pm.)
(As there is not enough time to go to Gujo Hachiman's castle, we walk around it.)
(This place is a castle town! Interesting!)
(Having breakfast and lunch "Brunch"!)
(Nice atmosphere, isn't it?)
コーヒージェリー (Coffee Jelly) |
和風オムサンドイッチ (Japanese-styled Omelete Sandwich) |
フレンチトースト (French Toast) |
(This is rare! Why is there a Thai's vehicle here?)
(Well then, feeding Koi fish before going Tokyo!)
いがわのこみち (Igawa no Komichi) |
鯉がいっぱい!きれい! (So many Koi! Pretty!!)
鯉の餌の売り場 (Box where you buy food for Koi) |
(That was fun! Well then, back to Tokyo!!)
(It's a long journey, even 4 hours is required. Finally reaching Tokyo.)
(Fire engine!! First time seeing it in Japan. An accident on expressway, wonder if we can make it.)
(Even ambulance is here, seems terrible.)
パトカーね。。 (Police car...)
(Just as I thought, Japan has high efficiency! We made it! I'm going airport to pick up my lost wallet and my friends are returning the car.)
財布が戻てくるけど、残ったお金は半分しかない。T_T まあ。。私のせいだから、しかたがないよね。。
(Although my wallet came back, only half of the amount of money is left. T_T Well.. it's my fault at the start.. I guess nothing I can do about it...)
(And, my friend paid 200,000 yen for the repair of the car!! So expensive!!! However, as everyone is safe, that is most important.)
(After returning to the hotel near Disney Sea, I went meet my Japanese friend at Ikspiari with my husband!)
(Gosh, had eaten Hawaii cuisine! First time. Although Singapore has various cuisine, there isn't much Hawaii cuisine.)
(That was delicious! Going to Disney Sea in early morning tomorrow!)
(In the morning, went to buy lots of sandwiches, and took the free bus from hotel and reached Disney Sea!)
(The queue is so long! Everyone does love Disney!)
曇り空~ (Cloudy sky~)
(There's Halloween decorations here and there! Awesome!)
電車に乗る!(Taking the electric train!)
デイジーダック!! (Daisy Duck!!)
(I love Stella Lou!)
(Blueberry Popcorn? Wow! Interesting flavour!!)
なかなかいいジェットコースター!あまり怖くないです。私、弱虫だから。(笑) 高いところも怖いものです。
(Quite a nice roller coaster! It's not that scary. I'm a scaredy-cat. Hahaha.. and higher places are scary places for me as well.)
ボットライド!! (Boat Ride!!)
美しい景色!!(Beautiful scenery!!)
強い女の漕ぎ手!(Strong female rower!!)
(Even sings songs for us! Interesting!!)
(Waving to the people from another boat! Japan's customs are deserved to be praised!!)
おなかがすいちゃった!日本のコンビニはほんとうに最高!サンドイッチはいつもこんなにおいしかった! (Hungry! The convenience stores in Japan are really great! Even the sandwiches are this nice!)
(Let's go to "Toy Story" world!)
(I think it's really popular here. Preparations for long queue were here.)
(Anyway, it's really popular! So many people!)
(It's shooting game! Fun! This is more fun than the shooting game in USS! Now I know the reason for it being popular!)
(Next, let's go to water shooting game! At "Atlantis" world?)
ミルクティーを買った! (Bought the milk tea!)
(It's cute at "Atlantis"!)
きれいなビル!(Pretty building!)
わあーーー おいしそう!!!! (Wow!!! It looks delicious!!!)
友達が言う通り、すごくおいしかった!ビーフが口の中に溶かす瞬間は最高だった!シンガポールではインドのナーン はたくさん売っていますけど、食べることはないです。なんとここに食べるのは不思議な感じをした。
(As what my friend says, it was really delicious! The time where the beef melts in the mouth, was awesome! Although this Indian Naan is sold widely in Singapore, I did not eat it before. I was feeling it strange to eat this here.)
(I became in love with this character! Cute!!!)
(Cute cushion! Want to buy them back! But, it's troublesome bring it back. Sad!!)
一旦、ホテルで休憩します! (Let's rest in the hotel for a brief moment!!)
(My friend said that she wanted to go for this another time.)
アイスクリーム!! (Ice-cream!!)
船を乗ろう!(Let's take the ship!)
夜の景色もきれい! (The scene at night was beautiful too!)
(With the moonlight, it looks like a haunted house! Scary!!)
(I always wanted to ride this "Aladdin" ride! Finally get to ride it!)
(Next, carousel! I have not ridden this for almost 20 years.)
でも、楽しかった!本当に久しぶりだね! (But, that was fun! Really nostalgic!)
(It was fun at "The Little Mermaid" ride too! We rode it many times! XD)
パレードだ!きれい!! (Parade!!) Pretty!!)
(Just now, I mentioned about the water shooting game, right? Once the sky turns dark, the people here gets lesser! We played the water shooting game wholeheartedly several times! That was so fun!)
やっと買った! (Finally bought this!!)
花火のビデオ!(Fireworks videos!)
(Dinner! With our husbands! Near the hotel!)
(Seldom have the digital vending machine! Rare!!)
(Anyway, this! Bought it from a vending machine!)
以外においしかった! (It's delicious more than expected!)
大好きなつけ麺!! (My favourite Tsukemen!)
(Gundam at Odaiba! As husband likes it, we went to take a look!! It's shopping day!! As it's raining, it was bad! So cold!!)
うどん! (Udon!!)
(The bags are so cute! Although I want to buy, it's expensive!!)
(Regardless, I happened to buy this in the end! "Chopper" designed wallet!)
(Returning to our country tomorrow. Sad. I want to be in Japan more~~ But, I have a schedule to go to Kyushu with my family next year. And it's the Sakura season! Looking forward to it!!)
(Actually, this is my first time flying to and fro Japan via Haneda Airport.)
いい秋の気分! (Nice Autumn feel!)
ここの最後の食事。(Our last meal here.)
帰国の途中~ (On the way back to my country~)
わあ~~おいしそう! (Wow! This looks good!!)
またね、みんな! (Next time, everyone!)
他の写真はここでね~ (More photos here~~)
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