(How are you, everyone? As the scary virus continues, it's troublesome, right? It became that I worked from home since 2 weeks ago. As I mentioned previously, as my work is related to military affairs, there is nothing much I can do at home. However, as there are many people who died, I guess there's no choice. I prayed that the people who had gotten the virus, will decrease soon. Please take care, everyone.)
(Last month on the 25th, including movie theaters, all entertainment facilities will close temporarily till 4th of May. After I finished my work that day, I went to watch Disney's movie.)
(It's a pretty good move. Please watch it if you can!)
(Well then, let's return to my last year's trip.)
(There's such cup at Japan's Starbucks! Cute collapsible cup!)
(Going towards Sunshine City~)
("Boku no Hero Academia" poster! This anime is interesting and I like it. It's a story of a young boy who always thought oneself as useless, while admiring a certain famous hero, he didn't think that he will be able to become such a hero with just hard work and eagerness. Please watch it!)
(Ikebukuro's symbol! "Bukurou" that is "Owl".)
(Reached Sunshine City!)
きれいな壁画! (Pretty wall mural!)
「TOYSRUS」の店は日本で初めて見た。(This is my first time seeing "Toysrus" in Japan.)
(Previously, there was a One Piece Theme Park here. Even though I only went once. It's a pity.
I've never been to "NamajaTown".)
リラックマの店! (Rilakkuma Store!!)
(As my friend wants to go to Pokemon Centre, we came here.)
きれい!! (Pretty!!)
アクセサリーがこんなに多いだ! (I didn't know that there is so many accessories!)
サンシャインシティで昼ご飯を食べました。「神楽坂 茶寮」というレストランで食べた。シンガポールでも支店があります。シンガポールで食べたことがないけどね。
(We are lunch at Sunshin City. We ate at a restaurant named "Kagurazaka Saryo". They have a store in Singapore too. Though I have not eaten in Singapore before.)
今日は運がいいです。なんと水曜日は「レディースデー」。女性は様々な特別のご褒美をまらいます。友達と私は「神楽坂 茶寮」で特別なデザートをもらった。
(We are lucky today. It's "Ladies Day" on Wednesday. Females will receive various special rewards today. My friend and I received special dessert at "Kagurazaka Saryo".)
シュー皮が美味しそう!(Choux Pastry looks delicious!)

美味しかった! (It was tasty!)
(It's Tanjiro! Cute!)
(Did you know of the anime "Kimetsu no Yaiba"? "Tanjiro" is the anime's main character. It is also a popular anime in Singapore.)
ちびまる子ちゃん!かわいい! (Chibi Maruko-chan! Cute!)
かわいいリラックマのクリスマスツリー! (Cute Rilakkuma Christmas Tree!)
ぬいぐるみの服!かわいい! (Clothes for plushies! Cute!)
デコテープはかわいい! (Deco tapes are cute too!)
新宿に着いた! (We reached Shinjuku!)
(We went into shop named "L-Breath". They sells all kinds of bags.)
(Perhaps this bag is useful! As there is often rain in Singapore. Furthermore, I bought "Kiu" raincoat in Hong Kong before. It's very useful.)
(The blue bag in the middle is big!!)
(Let's go to Tokyu Hands!)
(We rest for a while at Tokyu Hands.)
(Paper art is awesome, isn't it?)
面白いとけい! (Interesting clock!)
(Tokyu Hands sells "Boku no Hero Academia" goods too!)
(These clothing is pretty. I wonder which anime is it from? Perhaps it is from Idol Master?)
歌舞伎で晩御飯を食べます! (We ate dinner at Kabukicho!)
(It's 13 degrees Celsius, isn't it? It's cold for me!)
(Although "Lumine" is in Singapore as well, however, it has few choices and expensive, it seems that it has not much of sales.)
歌舞伎を見つけた! (We found Kabukicho!)
(We went to eat at "Okonomiyaki Honjin".)
(My stomach is full and it was so delicious! I will recommend this shop.)
アイスリンクかな? (Is it an ice rink?)
ここで遊びましょう! (Let's play here!)
(This was the first time playing a game like baseball. My husband was playing baseball enjoyably.)
今日の買い物! (Today's shopping!)
(See you again, everyone! I still have things to show! Please wait, won't you?)