今年の夏祭りも楽しかった!浴衣を着て、ほかのところで弁当を買って、祭りに行った。今年、食べ物のために、待ち行列を作る必要がなくて、よかったです。前年は一時間以上まで食べ物を待っているときがあった。そのとき、おなかがぺこぺきになってしまって、どうしようもなく、待つしかない状況です。今年、カラフル水ヨーヨーも手に入った!友達のおかけでね。私はそのゲームが下手です。>_< まもなく、写真~~
(This year's Summer Festival was fun! Wearing the yukata, buying the bento elsewhere and went to the festival. This year, for food, I do not have to necessary queue for it, I'm glad. I had to wait for more than an hour for food last year. That time, my stomach was growling and in a situation that nothing can be done except to wait. This year, I even gotten the colourful yoyo water ball! Thanks to my friend. I'm really bad at playing that game. >_< Without wasting more time, pictures~~~)
天気がよくて、本当によかったわ!! (I'm really glad that the weather was good!)
さってと、実は、わたしは受けている日本語のクラスに歌詞を作った。それは一年前だった。レコードをしたいけど、歌詞と歌は奏で合わなかった。そして、歌詞をもう一度直した。この歌の旋律は「TARI TARI」というアニメのOPテーマ「潮風のハーモニー」からです。どうしてこの旋律を選んだ?私はいつもこの歌を聞いているとき、クラスの楽しかった時間を思い出したの。ぜひ見てね~
(Well then, actually, I made song lyrics for my Japanese class which I am taking. That was one year ago. Although I wanted to do recording, the song melody and the lyrics didn't really match. Then, I re-make the lyrics. This song's melody is from opening theme "Shiokaze no Harmony" of the anime "TARI TARI". Why did I choose this melody? Every time when I'm listening to this song, I remembered the enjoyable times in class. Please take a look~~)
一年前の歌詞 (Song lyrics from one year ago)
毎週の日本語のクラス (Every week's Japanese class)
習ったり、笑ったり、話したり (Studied together, laughed together, talked together)
心から暖かさを感じて (Feeling the warmness from the heart)
思い出を作って仲良くしたんだ (Create memories together and got along well)
いつでも間違っても (Every time when there is a mistake)
優しい先生が直してくれた (Our nice teacher will help us to correct it)
いつでも面白い話 (Every time on an interesting topic)
相談したり皆さんを笑わせた (Discuss together and made everyone laugh)
さあ、勉強してないとダメだと言って (Now, it's not good if we are not studying)
それから、すぐに、皆がまた笑った (Next, soon, everyone laughed again)
心地よいを感じていた (Comfortable, pleasant feelings)
いつよりも自分が自分でいい (Just be yourself like any other day)
習うことも笑うことも (Whether its studying or laughing)
クラスで過ごした時間は最高だった (The times in class were the best)
ときどき、クラスのあと (Sometimes, after lesson)
それぞれの皆さん 食べ物を分け合った (Everyone shared the food they brought)
皆さんとスマイルで (Everyone with smiles on their faces)
召し上がったりしゃべりしたり 味わい瞬間 (Ate together, chat together, enjoyment time)
さあ、そろそろ帰りましょうかと言って (Now, Shall we go back home together)
電車のなか 続くおしゃべり (In the train, the chat continues)
さよならとまた来週 (Goodbye and See you next week)
毎週の日本語のクラス (Every week's Japanese class)
習ったり、笑ったり、話したり (Studied together, laughed together, talked together)
心から暖かさを感じて (Feeling the warmness from the heart)
思い出を作って仲良くしたんだ (Create memories together and got along well)
卒業の日はもうくる (The day when we graduate is coming soon)
皆さんと離れても 寂しくない (Even if everyone parts, there is not even a single loneliness)
そんなにいっぱいの思い出を (So many of the memories)
忘れないで (Please do not forget them)
心の中におきればいいのさ (Just put them in our hearts)
心地よいを感じていた (Comfortable, pleasant feelings)
いつよりも自分が自分でいい (Just be yourself like any other day)
習うことも笑うことも (Whether its studying or laughing)
クラスで過ごした時間は最高だった (The times in class were the best)
今、実現している歌詞~ (Song lyrics that will be implemented now~)
maishuu no nihongo no kurasu
(Every week's Japanese class)
narattari, warattari, hanashitari
(Learning, laughing and talking)
kokoro kara atatakasa no kanji
(The feeling of the warmth from the heart)
omoide wo tsukutte nakayoshi deshita
(Making memories and got along well)
itsu demo misu ga attemo
(Every time when there's mistakes)
sensei ga yasashikute naoshite kureta
(Teacher will correct it nicely for us)
itsudemo omoshiro te-ma
(Every time, interesting topics)
soudanshitari, mina-san wo warawaseta
(Discussing and made everyone laughed)
さぁ、勉強しないと 間に合わない
saa, benkyoushinaito mani awanai
(Well then, if we don't study, we will not be in time)
sorekara mo, kou ni natte, mina-san ga mata waratta
(From that onwards, it becomes like that and everyone laughed again)
kokochiyoi kanji wo shiteta
(Felt the comfortable feeling)
(More than always, it's alright to be oneself)
naru koto mo, warau koto mo
(Things that we learnt and laughed)
kurasu no jikan wa saikou da
(The time in class is the best)
tokidoki kurasu no owari
(Sometimes, at the end of the class)
sorezore no mina-san motte kita tabemono
(Each of us, with the food brought here)
mina-san to sumairu de
(Everyone with smiles)
meshiagattari, shaberishitari, tanoshii shunkan
(tasting and chatting, enjoyable moments)
saa, sorosoro kaerimashouka to itte
(Well then, saying "Shall we go home soon?")
densha no naka, tsuduku hanashi
(Inside the train, the chat continues)
sayonara to mata raishuu
(Byebye and See you next week!)
maishuu no nihongo no kurasu
(Every week's Japanese class)
narattari, warattari, hanashitari
(Learning, laughing and talking)
kokoro kara atatakasa no kanji
(The feeling of the warmth from the heart)
omoide wo tsukutte nakayoshi deshita
(Making memories and got along well)
sotsugyou no hi mo mou kuru
(The day of graduation is coming soon)
みんなと離れても 大丈夫
minna to hanaretemo daidoubu
(Even if separated from from everyone, it's alright)
そんなにいっぱいの思い出を 忘れないで
sonna ni ippai no omoide wo wasurenai de
(So much of memories, please do not forget)
kokoro no naka ni okereba ii no sa
(It's good enough to put them in the centre of the heart)
kokorochiyoi kanji wo shiteta
(Felt the comfortable feeling)
(More than always, it's alright to be oneself)
naru koto mo, warau koto mo
(Things that we learnt and laughed)
kurasu no jikan wa saikou da
(The time spent in class was the best!)
(My class is ending in February next year. At that time, I think I will let my teacher and classmates hear this song. I hope everything goes well~)
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Friday, August 21, 2015
アニメ:SHIROBAKO、夏祭り (Anime: Shirobako, Japanese Summer Festival)
(Recently, I'm watching an anime called "Shirobako". It's like the first time I feel so enjoyable. This anime centered on a company making anime. Althought I know making anime is tough, but I didn't know such long processes exist.)
(I think it's amazing that these girls work so hard and aim for anime-related jobs. Even though I also thought of doing anime-related work in the past, after seeing this anime, I just thought that it might be good thing that I didn't do such a job. After all, even if drawing is fun, when it becomes a career, will I still be able to enjoy like that? I'm sorry. I wanted to tell fun things, but before I realized it, this became a slightly gloomy story.)
(The picture above is the director in the anime. His personality is very childish , however, when he has images in his mind, like a steam train, he is able to draw out all into the storyboard quickly and earnestly.)
(Production assistants are important people who ensure that the production advances smoothly. The guy on the left is a hopeless case. As he conveyed unnecessary words, it became a situation that caused others into quarreling. In addition, he has too many complaints and always say that the fault of others are not of his. The girl on the right is one of the main characters. She's someone who works very hard at her work. The guy om the left asks help from the girl because he thinks she is nice.)
(There are still many characters. If it's ok for you, please watch this anime~)
(At last, tomorrow is the summer festival! I go there while in my yukata once a year. Although the queues at the food and game kiosks are so long due to the crowd, I'm looking forward to it! The festival's information is in the link below.
(Recently, I'm watching an anime called "Shirobako". It's like the first time I feel so enjoyable. This anime centered on a company making anime. Althought I know making anime is tough, but I didn't know such long processes exist.)
(I think it's amazing that these girls work so hard and aim for anime-related jobs. Even though I also thought of doing anime-related work in the past, after seeing this anime, I just thought that it might be good thing that I didn't do such a job. After all, even if drawing is fun, when it becomes a career, will I still be able to enjoy like that? I'm sorry. I wanted to tell fun things, but before I realized it, this became a slightly gloomy story.)
(The picture above is the director in the anime. His personality is very childish , however, when he has images in his mind, like a steam train, he is able to draw out all into the storyboard quickly and earnestly.)
(Production assistants are important people who ensure that the production advances smoothly. The guy on the left is a hopeless case. As he conveyed unnecessary words, it became a situation that caused others into quarreling. In addition, he has too many complaints and always say that the fault of others are not of his. The girl on the right is one of the main characters. She's someone who works very hard at her work. The guy om the left asks help from the girl because he thinks she is nice.)
(There are still many characters. If it's ok for you, please watch this anime~)
(At last, tomorrow is the summer festival! I go there while in my yukata once a year. Although the queues at the food and game kiosks are so long due to the crowd, I'm looking forward to it! The festival's information is in the link below.
Friday, August 14, 2015
Anime/Movies, Food, Random Stuff
It's been a long time, I blog the whole post in English. Lol. Suddenly just feel like blogging in English. (x_X) But I think I should say sorry to the Japanese people who are reading my blog.
(Recently, Japanese people reading my blog is increasing in number. I'm very happy~~ Thanks, everyone!)
The recent anime/movie I'm watching is Shingeki no Kyojin (Attach on the Titans) live-action movie, Psycho Pass movie and a chinese movie called "Monster Hunt".
The movie was really not bad, especially parts whereby they flew in the air with the devices and when Eren transformed into a Titan. However, I don't really like the weird romance going on in the movie.. >_<
I think the movie was awesome! The characters inside the movie had tried their best to speak better English, though it still felt weird. (x_X) But, they had put good effort in speaking English! I think the movie still has a continuation after finishing the movie. Can't wait for another Psycho Pass movie!
I went to watch this Chinese movie "Monster Hunt" because my mum wanted to. I had heard from my friend that this show was really funny, but it didn't turn out as funny as I expected it to be. (x_X) Nonetheless, it was a pretty good show for a laugh. It's a mixture of 3D graphics for the monsters and real people acting in the movie. Story plot was interesting and the ending was unexpectedly good.
Recent food which I had tried is as follows:
I ate these at Stateland Cafe, Bali Lane. The dessert was yummy!
I ate those at Shinjuku restaurant, Cuppage Plaza. It is an authentic Japanese restaurant where a lot of Japanese people in Singapore ate at. Totally delicious!~
And now for the random stuff....
I bought this Monster Hunter pig for my boyfriend's birthday! It's so cute and nice to hug! I love talking to it too! ^_^
I bought this at a supermarket in Singapore. It was expensive but one of my favourite Pocky flavours!
Recently, I drew this Luffy 4th gear picture for a colleague. This is the first time I draw Luffy, seems like it looks pretty OK. ^_^V
That's all, folks~~
(Recently, Japanese people reading my blog is increasing in number. I'm very happy~~ Thanks, everyone!)
The recent anime/movie I'm watching is Shingeki no Kyojin (Attach on the Titans) live-action movie, Psycho Pass movie and a chinese movie called "Monster Hunt".
The movie was really not bad, especially parts whereby they flew in the air with the devices and when Eren transformed into a Titan. However, I don't really like the weird romance going on in the movie.. >_<
I think the movie was awesome! The characters inside the movie had tried their best to speak better English, though it still felt weird. (x_X) But, they had put good effort in speaking English! I think the movie still has a continuation after finishing the movie. Can't wait for another Psycho Pass movie!
I went to watch this Chinese movie "Monster Hunt" because my mum wanted to. I had heard from my friend that this show was really funny, but it didn't turn out as funny as I expected it to be. (x_X) Nonetheless, it was a pretty good show for a laugh. It's a mixture of 3D graphics for the monsters and real people acting in the movie. Story plot was interesting and the ending was unexpectedly good.
Recent food which I had tried is as follows:
![]() |
Mushroom Spaghetti |
![]() |
碳 (Tan) |
I ate those at Shinjuku restaurant, Cuppage Plaza. It is an authentic Japanese restaurant where a lot of Japanese people in Singapore ate at. Totally delicious!~
And now for the random stuff....
I bought this Monster Hunter pig for my boyfriend's birthday! It's so cute and nice to hug! I love talking to it too! ^_^
I bought this at a supermarket in Singapore. It was expensive but one of my favourite Pocky flavours!
Recently, I drew this Luffy 4th gear picture for a colleague. This is the first time I draw Luffy, seems like it looks pretty OK. ^_^V
That's all, folks~~
Thursday, August 6, 2015
3日間の台湾パート3!(3 days Taiwan Trip Part 3)
(From the hotel, we have plan to visit museums! Let's go to Miniatures Museum and Glass Museum~
(Firstly, we alighted at Songjiang Nanjing station via the Songshan Line, walked and reached the Miniatures Museum. We discovered cute shoes while walking!)
かわいい和風レストラン~ (Cute Japanese restaurant~)
コンビニでアイスクリームを買った!(Bought ice-cream at a convenience stall!)
暑い日に、なりよりおいしかった!プリンみたいの味!(On a hot day, it was even more delicious! Custard Pudding taste!)
博物館へ~ (Miniatures Museum~)
入場券:TWD180 判子帳:TWD20
(Entrance ticket: TWD180, Stamp Booklet: TWD20)
きれいものがいっぱいあるの!(So many pretty stuff!)
バービードール~ (Barbie doll~)
(Nostalgic~ When I was young, I often helped my barbie dolls wear pretty dresses.)
中国のドール~ (China dolls~)
ミニードール~ (Mini dolls~)
(There's so much details in mini furnitures, lovely!~)
エジプトのルーム~ (Egyptian room~)
白雪姫のワールド~七人たち~ (Snow White world~ 7 Dwarfs~)
子どもの部屋~ (Kids' Room~)
ピノッキオの物語~ (Pinochio Story~)
恐竜のワールド!!(Dinosaur world!!)
王の宮殿~ (King's Palace)
釣りしているたぬき!(A tanuki who is fishing!)
不思議の国のアリス~ (Alice in the Wonderland~)
にぎやかな町~ (Lively town~)
家のあちらこちら~ (Here and There in the house~)
いいな~そんなにきれいなところに住めるなら...(So good~ If only I can stay in such pretty places...)
中国っぽいないま~ (Chinese-styled lving room~)
かわいい食べ物~ (Cute food~)
階段も美しい!!(Stairs are also pretty!!)
金坑~ (Gold Mine~)
日本の街~~ (Japan street~~)
その町がとても大好きです!!(I love this street!!)
そして、グラス博物館へ行きましょう~ (Then, we went to glass museum~)
(From Songjiang Nanjing station via Songshan Line, we change at Songshan station and alighted at Mingquan West Road via Tamsui Line. The glass museum is quite far away. Besides, there are houses and parking lots along the walk. You wouldn't think that the road is towards the glass museum. (x.X)
入場券:TWD100 (Entrance ticket: TWD100)
このアートは面白いな!(This art is intersting!)
もっと面白い!(Even more interesting!)
(You are able to make glass art at the glass museum. However, for certain artworks, you will not be able to bring back the artwork on the day you made it. If you wish to take the classes, it's better than you contact the museum.)
そして、TOPOカフェーに行く~ (Then, going to Topo cafe~)
淡水線で石牌駅を降りた。(We alighted at Shipai station via the Tamsui Line.)
(As we had not had lunch, after seeing KFC, we ate a little over there.)
(I guess it's quite similar to the chicken in KFC Singapore. But, KFC Singapore do not have onion rings. I love onion rings!)
(We boarded the 601 bus and alighted at Tianmu Xinchun, walked and reached the cafe.)
暖かい店だよね?(It's such a warm shop, isn't it?)
中にはとてもきれい!(It's very pretty inside!)
床の穴の水で鯉が泳いでいる。(There's kois swimming around in the holes of the floor.)
(Sadly, when we reached, the shop is in the midst of closing the shop for the day. Yet, the shop attendant allowed us to take photos in the shop. The shop attendant is so nice! The shop closes at 6pm.)
(After which, we boarded the 606 bus, walked and reached Shilin Night Market.)
相変わらず、台湾人はゲームが本当に好きですね。(As usual, Taiwan people really liked games.)
(The beef cubes were so yummy!! Although with that amount of beef, costing TWD100 was quite expensive, it was really delicious!)
(That big slipper is so cute! and.... Kudetama!!)
買わなかったけど、それはかわいいパンだな~~ (Even though I didn't buy it, that was a really cute bread~~)
スターバックスみたいな店!(A shop that looks like Starbucks!)
バッグはかわいい!!(Bags are so cute!)
デザートはマンゴアイス!(Had mango shaved ice for dessert!)
甘くて、おいしかった!(Sweet and delicious!)
(The flight back to Singapore is tomorrow at 12 noon. (I took a bus at Taipei Main Station and headed towards the airport.)
空港で昼ごはんを食べた。(Ate my lunch at the airport.)
台湾で最後の食べ物。おいしかった。(Last meal at Taiwan. It was delicious.)
それじゃ~ (Well then~)
全部の写真は下のリンクにあります。(All the pictures are in the link below.)
(From the hotel, we have plan to visit museums! Let's go to Miniatures Museum and Glass Museum~
(Firstly, we alighted at Songjiang Nanjing station via the Songshan Line, walked and reached the Miniatures Museum. We discovered cute shoes while walking!)
かわいい和風レストラン~ (Cute Japanese restaurant~)
コンビニでアイスクリームを買った!(Bought ice-cream at a convenience stall!)
暑い日に、なりよりおいしかった!プリンみたいの味!(On a hot day, it was even more delicious! Custard Pudding taste!)
博物館へ~ (Miniatures Museum~)
入場券:TWD180 判子帳:TWD20
(Entrance ticket: TWD180, Stamp Booklet: TWD20)
きれいものがいっぱいあるの!(So many pretty stuff!)
バービードール~ (Barbie doll~)
![]() |
バービードール家系図 |
(Nostalgic~ When I was young, I often helped my barbie dolls wear pretty dresses.)
中国のドール~ (China dolls~)
ミニードール~ (Mini dolls~)
(There's so much details in mini furnitures, lovely!~)
エジプトのルーム~ (Egyptian room~)
白雪姫のワールド~七人たち~ (Snow White world~ 7 Dwarfs~)
子どもの部屋~ (Kids' Room~)
ピノッキオの物語~ (Pinochio Story~)
恐竜のワールド!!(Dinosaur world!!)
王の宮殿~ (King's Palace)
不思議の国のアリス~ (Alice in the Wonderland~)
にぎやかな町~ (Lively town~)
家のあちらこちら~ (Here and There in the house~)
いいな~そんなにきれいなところに住めるなら...(So good~ If only I can stay in such pretty places...)
中国っぽいないま~ (Chinese-styled lving room~)
かわいい食べ物~ (Cute food~)
階段も美しい!!(Stairs are also pretty!!)
金坑~ (Gold Mine~)
日本の街~~ (Japan street~~)
その町がとても大好きです!!(I love this street!!)
そして、グラス博物館へ行きましょう~ (Then, we went to glass museum~)
(From Songjiang Nanjing station via Songshan Line, we change at Songshan station and alighted at Mingquan West Road via Tamsui Line. The glass museum is quite far away. Besides, there are houses and parking lots along the walk. You wouldn't think that the road is towards the glass museum. (x.X)
入場券:TWD100 (Entrance ticket: TWD100)
このアートは面白いな!(This art is intersting!)
もっと面白い!(Even more interesting!)
(You are able to make glass art at the glass museum. However, for certain artworks, you will not be able to bring back the artwork on the day you made it. If you wish to take the classes, it's better than you contact the museum.)
そして、TOPOカフェーに行く~ (Then, going to Topo cafe~)
淡水線で石牌駅を降りた。(We alighted at Shipai station via the Tamsui Line.)
(As we had not had lunch, after seeing KFC, we ate a little over there.)
(I guess it's quite similar to the chicken in KFC Singapore. But, KFC Singapore do not have onion rings. I love onion rings!)
(We boarded the 601 bus and alighted at Tianmu Xinchun, walked and reached the cafe.)
暖かい店だよね?(It's such a warm shop, isn't it?)
中にはとてもきれい!(It's very pretty inside!)
床の穴の水で鯉が泳いでいる。(There's kois swimming around in the holes of the floor.)
(Sadly, when we reached, the shop is in the midst of closing the shop for the day. Yet, the shop attendant allowed us to take photos in the shop. The shop attendant is so nice! The shop closes at 6pm.)
(After which, we boarded the 606 bus, walked and reached Shilin Night Market.)
相変わらず、台湾人はゲームが本当に好きですね。(As usual, Taiwan people really liked games.)
(The beef cubes were so yummy!! Although with that amount of beef, costing TWD100 was quite expensive, it was really delicious!)
(That big slipper is so cute! and.... Kudetama!!)
買わなかったけど、それはかわいいパンだな~~ (Even though I didn't buy it, that was a really cute bread~~)
スターバックスみたいな店!(A shop that looks like Starbucks!)
バッグはかわいい!!(Bags are so cute!)
デザートはマンゴアイス!(Had mango shaved ice for dessert!)
甘くて、おいしかった!(Sweet and delicious!)
(The flight back to Singapore is tomorrow at 12 noon. (I took a bus at Taipei Main Station and headed towards the airport.)
空港で昼ごはんを食べた。(Ate my lunch at the airport.)
台湾で最後の食べ物。おいしかった。(Last meal at Taiwan. It was delicious.)
それじゃ~ (Well then~)
全部の写真は下のリンクにあります。(All the pictures are in the link below.)
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